At FIX Medical Group of Scottsdale, AZ our chiropractors serve residents of Arcadia and specialize in spinal decompression – an advanced, non-surgical therapy that alleviates back pain, neck pain, herniated discs, sciatica, and injuries. But how does it work? And what can patients expect? We answer the most frequently asked questions to explain this safe, comfortable treatment option.

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Spinal decompression utilizes computerized equipment to slowly and gently stretch the spine. This relieves pressure on discs, nerves, and joints while enhancing circulation. It facilitates natural healing and restores function without drugs or invasive procedures.

How Does it Differ From Traction?

While spinal decompression is a form of traction, it uses precision technology to target specific segments. The force can be adjusted during treatment too. Regular traction simply stretches the whole spine uniformly. Our focused approach maximizes results.

Is The Therapy Painful?

Not at all. Patients often describe the stretching sensations as comforting. Many even fall asleep during sessions! The table emits gentle rhythmic movements to relax the body from head to pelvis. Monitoring ensures optimal comfort throughout.

What Conditions Can Decompression Treat?

It’s highly effective for herniated, bulging or deteriorating discs, sciatica, arthritis, stenosis, posterior facet syndrome, whiplash injuries, and sometimes even post-surgical cases or failed back surgery. If back pain limits your mobility, decompression may help.

What is The Typical Session Duration?

Sessions last 30-45 minutes. The initial consultation determines your customized treatment plan, which usually comprises 15-20 sessions over several weeks. Progress is continually monitored and protocols adjusted as needed.

What Are The Documented Success Rates?

Significant pain reduction and improved function are reported in over 75% of cases, according to our own practice data. Chronic conditions naturally respond slower, but most patients experience some relief after just a few sessions.

Can I Resume My Regular Activities Afterwards?

Absolutely. We encourage light movement to enhance your treatment effects. Avoid heavy lifting or intense exercise immediately post-session, but gentle activity is fine. Your provider will offer guidelines to maximize decompression’s benefits long-term.

Are There Risks or Side Effects?

When performed properly by trained chiropractors, decompression is extremely safe. Temporary soreness is sometimes reported, like starting a new workout. Certain pre-existing spinal conditions may preclude therapy, which an evaluation would reveal.

How Quickly Will I Feel Improvement?

Many patients report some relief after just a couple sessions, though lasting pain control and mobility restoration develops over 2-3 weeks typically. More serious conditions understandably require longer treatment, which we’ll continually adapt to your needs. Consistency is key.

Can Decompression Therapy Help My Neck Pain Too?

Absolutely. The precise spinal distraction of decompression therapy is highly effective for cervical spine conditions like neck muscle spasms, whiplash injuries, degenerative disc disease and even headaches related to upper spinal dysfunction. Gentle neck traction helps take pressure off compressed nerves and restore alignment. Patients often report significant relief from neck stiffness, pain and mobility limitations after regular sessions.

How Does Decompression Promote Healing?

Spinal decompression has both immediate and long-term benefits. The gentle stretch creates negative pressure within damaged discs, drawing in fluid and nutrients to rehydrate and repair their structural integrity. Reduced inflammation and improved blood flow allow the body to naturally heal surrounding muscles, ligaments and other tissues as well. This comprehensive effect makes decompression so powerful.

What Activities Should I Avoid While Undergoing Treatment?

We recommend avoiding activities that excessively twist or compress your spine during treatment. Heavy lifting, intense sports, abrupt movements and even poor posture compromise the decompression’s effects. Ensure you follow your individually-tailored guidelines for modifying activities that worsen symptoms. Supportive bracing can sometimes help too during the healing process when resuming motion is necessary.

Why Choose FIX Medical Group of Scottsdale, AZ?

Our chiropractors offer an integrated approach to pain relief and wellness, leveraging advanced decompression technology with customized care plans to target the root causes of back pain. We empower patients with the knowledge and tools for self-care and prevention. Contact us today if you live in Arcadia, Phoenix, or Scottsdale to determine if spinal decompression therapy can help you live pain-free!
