If you are balding or experiencing thinning hair, you aren’t alone. Hair loss happens to men and women of all ages and typically accelerates as you age. While there are seemingly endless options that advertise hair growth through creams, injections, shampoos, and other one-off products, our team offers a proven solution that allows the body to naturally regenerate the scalp and encourages hair growth through a natural method.

Our team at FIX Medical Group has used PRP hair restoration to unlock the body’s natural healing properties and apply them to hair growth, helping countless people feel more confident and happier with their appearance.




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What is PRP hair restoration?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Platelets are naturally occurring elements in our blood that are present to aid in recovery. Modern medical techniques allow us to isolate platelets from a patient’s blood and then inject them into a problem area. This technique, known as PRP injections, is used for a myriad of health issues from muscle tears to arthritis and more.

When applied to hair restoration, PRP injections can be made directly into the scalp, putting these healing properties to use by repairing and encouraging new growth in your hair follicles. The result is a naturally stronger head of hair, which is achieved using the body’s natural healing properties rather than through introducing a foreign substance or more invasive measures.

When would I need PRP hair restoration?

Our team at FIX Medical Group is always happy to consult with people who feel they could possibly benefit from PRP injections to facilitate hair growth. Our holistic approach to health often includes many services, whether they are completely aesthetic or you want to improve your overall well-being.

Since PRP hair restoration uses your blood and you are not having a surgical procedure done or coming into contact with foreign chemicals you might be allergic to, most people are good candidates for this procedure no matter what stage of balding they find themselves in. While there are a few different common causes for baldness, PRP hair restoration can help address most of them, and our team of professionals can help you completely understand the procedure before getting started.

What happens during PRP hair restoration?

Platelets are the key to PRP injections, and the first step is to isolate them from a patient’s blood. To begin, a sample of blood is taken and then inserted into a centrifuge which separates the platelets from other blood cells. From there, the platelet-rich plasma is ready to be injected back into the patient. 

Depending on the severity of a patient’s baldness, multiple treatments are typically needed to achieve lasting results and a thicker head of hair. 

Some patients are concerned about the injection process, but it is generally not very painful and our team takes special care for each patient. Numbing agents are used prior to injections, and the needles used are very thin so the pain level is kept to a minimum. Outside of some pain after injection, there are no side effects to PRP injections.

If you are ready to get your confidence back and restore your hair, give us a call or book your consultation online today.
