Chiropractic care encompasses many different disciplines which can be used together to produce great results for people under the care of a trained professional. Techniques like spinal decompression, cupping, and the use of a k laser machine all can increase the effectiveness of traditional chiropractic efforts.

One technique which is very beneficial for a certain source of chronic pain is called active release. In this article, we will discuss the technique itself, when it is beneficial and what to expect during the procedure.

When the body experiences tissue injuries, scar tissue is often left behind after these heal. Injuries such as these are common in overworked areas of the body, and if you are an athlete who performs a repeated motion over and over like serving in tennis or throwing as a pitcher or if you are a manual laborer who performs standard actions at work on a repeated basis, there is likely scar tissue present in the areas of the body which are most frequently used.

On its own, scar tissue isn’t necessarily painful. When there is an abundance of scar tissue in one area, it can become a problem. Sometimes scar tissue from neighboring tissues grows together in a phenomenon called adhesion. When the body has adhesions, they can tug against one another when the area of the body is in motion, creating a significant amount of discomfort.

The active release technique seeks to de-couple these adhesions, allowing the body to move freely with no resistance or pulling in the wrong direction. When you work with a skilled chiropractor, they can perform this technique and free you from chronic pain, allowing you to get back on the field, perform your job at a high level or simply live your day to day life without pain.

While not everyone is a candidate for this technique, a qualified chiropractor can assess your situation to determine if you are. If you do perform a task repeatedly and have a tugging pain, you are likely to benefit from active release.

A chiropractor will determine if you have adhesions by listening to you describe your pain levels and examination of the affected area. If you are a candidate for active release, the procedure is administered completely by hand and it requires constant communication to ensure the chiropractor is releasing the adhesion. The procedure involves movement by the patient and stretching, examining and various movements which can intensify during the procedure.

Many people do experience some pain as the adhesions are worked out, but with the help of an experienced professional active release can provide some great results. Our team members have performed this procedure many times, and we understand which actions to take to produce the best outcome. Many people feel immediate relief, and most adhesions can be completely cured in just a few sessions.

Our team uses active release along with a full catalog of health and wellness techniques to help our patients reach their health goals in a natural and non-invasive way. To learn more, give us a call or book your consultation online today.
