When you’re injured or suffering due to chronic pain, partnering with an experienced physical therapist can help you recover faster or achieve relief by unlocking the body’s natural healing power.

Our team offers comprehensive physical therapy care to people in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley and the entire surrounding area. Since we want to give our patients the best chance at making a speedy recovery and living without pain, we offer a full catalog of treatment options and we can employ the best ones for their situation. This full body focus yields fantastic results and can have you back to pursuing your passions quickly.

Some of our services are time-tested and centuries old, while others use newer technology to allow the body to heal faster. One of the cutting-edge techniques we employ for our patients is called ARPNeuro therapy, and in the sections to follow we will answer a few common questions about this physical therapy tactic and help you understand how it encourages natural healing.

What is ARPNeuro Treatment?

The “ARP” in ARPNeuro stands for accelerated recovery performance, and the chief goal of this treatment is to speed up the healing process, specifically for muscle injuries. The treatment involves the use of small electric shocks administered by a professional directly into problem areas. The purpose of these shocks is to stimulate the muscle groups to grow and become less inflamed. This stimulation can greatly increase recovery speed when it’s used in conjunction with a full physical therapy and wellness plan. Our team can use ARPNeuro along with other techniques which are appropriate for your condition to produce fantastic results.

Is ARPNeuro Safe?

Many patients are taken aback when they learn this process uses electric shock, but when ARPNeuro is done by a trained professional there is very little risk involved. The shocks used in the procedure are minor and compared to other methods of healing, ARPNeuro treatment is a preferred way to approach healing. The alternative in many instances is the use of surgeries, steroids and/or medication. ARPNeuro is a better method in many cases because it has no risk of complications or side effects since it only signals the body to begin its natural healing process.

Is ARPNeuro Painful?

Perhaps the most common question we get about ARPNeuro treatment is about the level of pain patients can expect during the process. We get it, electric shocks aren’t something we’re conditioned to look forward to. The pain level of ARPNeuro therapy will depend on the severity of the issue, but many patients report a minor level of discomfort during the procedure and no pain afterwards. If a higher level of shock is needed, the process can get uncomfortable, but bearable, as the shocks are applied. The great news is after the procedure there is no pain, and many patients experience fast relief through this treatment.

If you have a muscle injury, experience chronic pain or just want to explore our wellness offerings, we would be happy to help. Give us a call or book your consultation online today. 
